22nd FAI International Conference
Jointly organized by
The American College (Autonomous)
Madurai, Tamilnadu, India
FATER Academy of India
Mathematical, Computational Intelligence and Engineering Approaches to Healthcare, Business and Tourism Analytics 2020
22nd FAI-ICMCIE 2020

20, 21 & 22 December, 2020
Chief Patrons

Prof. B.S. Bisht
President- FATER Academy of India &
Ex.Vice Chancellor- G.B.Pant Agriculture University, Pant Nagar, Uttrakhand.

Dr. M. Davamani Christober
Principal & Secretary,
The American College,
Madurai, Tamil Nadu

Maj. Gen. (Retd.)
Dr. M.P. Singh
Vice President, FAI

Dr. C. C. Tan
Vice President -FAI,
School of Management,
MaeFahLuang University, Thailand

Prof. Nina Poyda Nosyk
Uzhhorod National University,

Prof. M. Lellis Thivagar
Vice – President (FAI)
Professor & Head,
School of Mathematics
Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, INDIA

Prof. Pankaj Srivastava
General Secretary-FAI
Professor, National Institute of Technology Allahabad, India

Prof.Zinaida Zhyvko
Department of Management,
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine

Dr. F. Müge Sakar
Dicle University,
Faculty of Management and Economics, Department of Business Administration, Diyarbakır-Turkey

Prof. N. Anbazhagan
Department of Mathematics
Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu
International Coordination Committee
Prof. Pankaj Srivastava | General Secretary, FATER Academy of India (M:+919696030005) |
Prof. Nina Poyda-Nosyk | Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine |
Prof. Albert Faessler | University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland |
Prof. Ali A. Al-Zarrah | Dean, Sur University College, Oman |
Prof.Maria Emilia Camargo | Dept of Business Admin & Prod Engg, Univer. of Caxias do Sul. Brazil |
Prof. Shulan Zhao | Deputy Director, Yunnan Academy Social Sciences, Kunming, Chin |
Dr. Tetiana Zhyber | Asso. Prof., Kyiv National Eco. Univ., named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine |
Dr. Patsula Olga | Dy.Dean, Asso.Prof., Dept. Acct. & Fin., Lviv State Univ. of Internal Affairs, Ukraine |
Dr. Nadiia Stoliarchuk | National Scientific Centre , Institute of Agrarian Economics, Ukraine |
Dr. Yannakorn Toprayoon | The Association of Researchers of Thailand |
Dr. C. C. Tan | School of Business Management, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand |
Dr. Themis Panagiotopoulou | Head, Tour. Promotion & Planning, National Tourism Org, Greece |
Dr. Nara Kittimetheekul | Ex. Head, Faculty of Business Administration, K.K.University, Thailand |
Dr. Minina E. A. | University of Economics and Management, Simferopol, Crimea |
Dr. Rachaya Indanon | Faculty of Management, Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand |
Dr. Sengchanh Chantasane | Asso. Prof. Ex. Vice Dean, FEBM, National University of Laos, Laos |
Dr. Georgia Oros | Dept of Computer Science & Mathematics, University of Oradea, Romania |
Dr. Liliana Guran | Department of Pharmaceutical Sc., Western University of Arad, Romania. |
International Advisory Committee
Prof. P. K. Srivastava | Ex. President, FATER Academy of India |
Prof. M. Lellis Thivagar | School of Mathematics, M. K. University, Madurai, India |
Prof. Vartanova Оlena | Department of Economics, Cherkasy State Technological Univ., Ukraine |
Prof. Iryna Revak | Dean, Faculty of Mgt. & Eco. Secu., Lviv State Univ. of Internal Affairs, Ukraine |
Prof. Natalia Zachosova | Manag.Secur.Dept, Bohdan Khmelnytsky Nat.Univ. of Cherkasy, Ukraine |
Prof. Raghu Raman | Ex. Faculty - School of Business Management, ICT, Oman |
Dr. Preeti Srivastava | Dy. Director, U. P. Tourism Department, Govt. of U. P., India |
Lt. Gen. A. T. Parnaik (Retd.) | Pune, Maharashtra, India |
Maj. Gen. (Dr) M.P. Singh (Retd.) | Vice President-FAI. |
Brig. Praveen Kumar | Pune, Maharastra, India |
Dr. G. Jayaparthasarthy | Vice Principal (Rtd.), St. Judes College, Kanyakumari, India |
Dr. Korneak Karanjanapokin | Dept of Business Administ., Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand |
Dr. Nakonechna Natalia | Asso. Prof., Fina. and Acco. Lviv State Univ. of Internal Affairs. Ukraine |
Dr. Alexandre Antunes Ribeiro Filho | UNIFACVEST, Brasil |
Dr. Benta Cassetari | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
Dr. Fatima Regina da Silva | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
Dr. Gustavo Capobianco Volaco | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
Dr. José Roberto Paludo | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
Dr. Soeli Staub Zembruski | UNIFACVEST Brazil |
Dr. Roberta Sommariva | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
MSc Renato Rodrigues | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
MSc Roberto Lopes da Fonseca | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
Mr. Chhunleng Seang | Lecturer, Univer of Mgmt and Economic, Kampong Cham, Cambodia |
International Organizing Committee
Prof.Zinaida Zhyvko | Department of Management,Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine |
Prof. V Srinivas | Secretary, FAI Telangana Chapter, Kakatiya University, Telangana, India |
Prof. Pradip Kumar Bora | Secretary, FAI Meghalaya Chap, Central Agricultural Univ., Imphal, India |
Prof. Mercy P. | Secretary, FAI Nagaland Chapter, St. Joseph University, Nagaland, India |
Prof. Marta Kopytko | Management Department, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine |
Prof. Amit Parikh | Principal & Professor at Mehsana Urban Institute of Sciences, Ganpat University, Kherva, Gujarat |
Dr. Volodymyr Hobela | Sr. Lect., Dept. of Mgmt, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine |
Dr. Vijay K. Vyas | Department of Mathematics, Sur University College, Oman |
Dr. Vandana Agarwal | Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur |
Dr. V. Ramesh | Secretary, FAI Tamilnadu(CENTRAL) Chapter, Madurai Kamaraj University, India |
Dr. Sridharan K V | Secretary, FAI Tamilnadu (EAST) Chapter, Chennai, India |
Dr. Shalini Singh | Secretary, FAI U.P. West Chapter, Barelly College, Barely, U.P, India |
Dr. S. Stalin Kumar | Asst Prof., PG & Research Department of Mathematics, The American College, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India |
Dr. S. Pious Missier | Secretary, FAI Tamilnadu(South) Chapter, Tuticorin, India |
Dr. S. Amutha | RCHM, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India |
Dr. Rakesh K Parmar | Department of Mathematics, Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner |
Dr. R. Jeyabalan | Department of Mathematics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India |
Dr. Poonam Mishra | Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat |
Dr. Olha Podra | Asso.Prof., Dept. of Forgn Trade & Cust., Lviv Polytechnic National Univ., Ukraine |
Dr. Olga Marchenko | Asso.Prof., Dept of Mgmt Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine |
Dr. Neelam Srivastava | Dept. of Physics, Mahila Maha Vidyalaya, BHU, Varanasi |
Dr. Manish K. Vyas | Vyas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jodhpur |
Dr. J. Wilfred Samuel Raj | Asst Prof., PG & Research Department of Mathematics, The American College, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India |
Dr. Halyna Leskiv | Asso. Prof. & Head, Dept. of Mgmt, Lviv State Univ. of Internal Affairs, Ukraine |
Dr. Garima Singh | Secretary, FAI M.P. Chapter, UIT, BU, India |
Dr. D. Lourdhu Immaculate | Asst Prof., PG & Research Department of Mathematics, The American College, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India |
Dr. Biju Kumar Dutta | Assistant Professor, School of Basic Science, Kaziranga University, Assam. |
Dr. Biju Kumar Dutta | Secretary, FAI Assam Chapter, Kaziranga University, Assam, India |
Dr. B. Johnson | Asst Prof., PG & Research Department of Mathematics, The American College, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India |
Liliia Kukharska | Teacher Dept. of Forgn Language, H.P.S. National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine |
Anastasiia Volnykh | Master of Psychology, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine |
Organizing Secretaries

Dr. A. Amutha
Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Mathematics, The American College, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India

Dr. Meenakshi Srivastava
Assistant Professor, Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University, Lucknow, India

Dr. Yannakorn Toprayoon
The Asoociation of Researchers of Thailand

Dr. Utpal Kumar Saha
Assistant Professor, Basic & Applied Science, NIT Arunachal Pradesh

Dr. Sunil Dutt Purohit
Secretary, FAI Rajasthan Chapter, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Dept. of HEAS (Mathematics), Rajasthan Technical University, Kota-324010, India

Dr. Brajesh Kumar Jha
Secretary, FAI Gujarat Chapter, Assistant Professor (Maths), School of Technology, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Raisen Village, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
IT Advisory Committee
Raj Krishna Mondal | Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India |
Malayaj Srivastava | IIM Bodhgaya, India |
Proud to bring inspirational speakers from across the globe

Prof. Maria Emilia Camargo
Graduate Program in Production Engineering (PPGEP) and Business Administration (PPGA)
University of Caxias do Sul, Brazil

Asso. Prof., Siirt Univ., Art and Sc. Faculty, Dept of Math., 56100 Siirt, Turkey

Prof. Pankaj Mathur
Department of Mathematics, Lucknow University, Lucknow, India

Dr. Georgia Oros
Department of Computer Science & Mathematics, University of Oradea, Romania

Dr. Liliana Guran
Department of Pharmaceutical Sc., Western University of Arad, Romania

Prof. C. C. Tan
School of Management, Mai Fah Luang Univeristy Chiang Rai Thailand

Dr. Mateus Panizzon
Graduate Program in Production Engineering (PPGEP) and Business Administration (PPGA)
University of Caxias do Sul, Brazil

Dr. Monica Felicia Bota
Department of Mathematics, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj –Napoca, Romania

Dr. Angela Isabel dos Santos Dullis
Department of Statistics
Federal University of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Dr. Chernenko Nataliia
Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Physical Rehabilitation,
B.K.National University of Cherkasy, Ukraine

Prof. Vichian Laohakosol
Department of Mathematics, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand

Dr. Wilaiporn Laohakosol
Director- BMP Energy Public Company Limited, Bangkok, Thailand

Conference Sub Theme
Kindly note that, if you feel your contribution does not fit into any of the above categories, you are welcome to make your submission in the last listed category.
Computational Mathematics
Soft Computing
Numerical linear analysis
Finite Element Methods
Numerical methods for ordinary and partial differential equations
Scientific computing
Non-linear systems
Dynamical systems
Distributed Artificial Intelligence
Genetic Programming
Swarm Intelligence
Bayesian Networks
Fractional Calculas & Special Functions
Probabilistic & Computation Learning
Stochastic process
Applied statistics
Mathematical statistics
Estimation Theory
Artificial Intelligence
Neural Network
Machine Learning and Deep Leaning
Support Vector Machine
Principal Component Analysis
Decision Tree
Ensemble Learning
DNA Computing
Optimization Techniques
Mathematical programming
Stochastic modeling
Decision theory
Game theory
Queuing theory
Reliability theory
Transportation problems
Financial mathematics
Inventory control
Optimization theory
Quadratic programming
Convex programming
Nonlinear programming
Stochastic programming
Combinatorial programming
Evolutionary Algorithms: Ant Colony
Particle Swarm Optimization Genetic
Simulated Anealing
Cuckoo Optimization
Pure & Fuzzy Mathematics
Functional Analysis
Fixed Point Theory
Complex Analysis
Fuzzy Set Theory and Fuzzy Logic
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Theory
Hesitant Fuzzy Set Theory
Neutrosophic Set Theory
Soft Set and Fuzzy Soft Theory
Rough Set Theory
Fuzzy Topology
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topology
Soft Topology
Fuzzy system
Neural Fuzzy Systems
Type-2 Fuzzy System
Graph Theory
Fluid Dynamics
Computer and Information Technology
Software Engineering
Computer Networks
Advance Computer Architecture
Mobile and Pervasive Computing
Security and Cryptography
Natural Language Processing
Parallel and Distributed Computing
High-Performance Computing
Data Mining & Warehousing
Database Management Systems
Expert System & its Application
Information Processing and Retrieval
Big Data and E-Science Applications
Internet-of-Things (IOT)
Internet of Everything (IOE)
Software-Defined Networks
ICT for Healthcare Algorithms & Protocols
Quantum Computing
Cloud Computing
Ubiquitous Computing
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Renewable Energy Systems
Power System Stability & Control
Smart Grid
Hybrid Electrical Vehicles
Power Quality
Intelligent Control Systems
Power Electronics Drives & Control
Optimization PLC & SCADA
High Voltage Engineering
Instrumentation and Measurements
Wireless Communication & Networks
DSP, Microprocessor based Technologies
Remote Sensing and Satellite Communications
Microwave Engineering
VLSI, VHDL & Chip Level Design
Image Processing & Applications
Coding and Information Theory
Fiber Optics and Optical Communications
Nano Materials and Nanotechnology
Magnetism and Spintronics
Semiconductor Materials and Devices
Electrical Storage Technologies
Civil and Environment Engineering
Concrete Technology
Construction Planning, Scheduling ,
Control Mechanics of Solids and Fluids
Architecture and Town Planning
Bridge Engineering
Geology and Geo-techniques
Project Management
Quality Assessment
Rock Mechanics
Building Design and Construction
Water Resources Engineering
Steel Structures
Environmental Risk Assessment
Environment and Energy
Industrial Safety & Hazard Management
Structural Dynamics
Earth Quake Resistance Designs
Resource and Environment
Water Pollution and Control
Sanitary Microbiology and Biochemistry
Advanced Hydrology and Groundwater
Advanced Materials
Ceramics and Polymers
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Industrial Planning
Maintenance Engineering
Vibration and Fault diagnosis
Heat exchangers
Process Control
Production Planning and Control
Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Heat and Mass Transfer
Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Quality Control and Reliability
3D Printing
Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Fluid Mechanics
Additive Manufacturing
Energy Technology
Biomedical Engineering
Numerical Methods and Simulations
Condensed Matter Physics
Business Analytics
Data-driven Analytics and Business Management
Big Data Applications, Challenges and Opportunities
Business Intelligence
Business modeling
Business models
Business ecosystem and platform
Cloud Computing
Complexity and Algorithms
Data Engineering and Architecture
Data Mining Applications in Science, Engineering, Healthcare and Medicine
Artificial Intelligence
Data Science and Machine Learning
Data Visualization
Data Warehousing and Security
Data-driven Business Management
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Drive Data-driven Decisions across Business for Commercial Success
IoT and edge computing applications
Natural Language Processing
Data Processing for Networks
Cyber-Physical Systems
Big Data Analytics and Algorithms
Optimization and Big Data
Data Clustering
Call for Papers
The full-length research articles and Abstract must be submitted on EasyChair https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=22ndfaiicmcie2020 or at email faterindia@gmail.com
The format for the full paper as on Springer Template or download the templates using the link:
Springer Guidelines for Authors
Conference proceedings guidelines, word and latex template
Download LATEX Template Download Word Template
Submission of Abstract: 19 December 2020
Acceptance of Abstract: 19 December 2020
Submission of full-length Paper: 20 January 2021
Registration Deadline: 19 December 2020
Paper Publication
Authors are asked to submit original Full papers of a minimum of 8 to 10 pages in the Springer Conference proceeding template. All submitted papers will be subjected to a Blind Peer Review and "Similarity (plagiarism) Test" by plagiarism checker. Paper clearing the similarity test will undergo a full paper review. Papers achieving a high similarity score will be examined and those that are deemed unacceptable will be rejected without a formal review.
All the accepted research articles will be processed for publication in Springer Proceedings/ Scopus listed journals subject to the terms and conditions of the publication partners.
Authors are advised to book their soft /hard copies of the proceedings in advance at email:
Papers original in idea and not published elsewhere are invited on the mentioned themes and related areas. The abstract limited to 1000 words along with the name of author(s), affiliation, e-mail, mobile number, and corresponding address should be emailed on the mentioned email address. Maximum five keywords should be given along with the abstract. The abstract should be typed in Times New Roman Fonts, 12 points regular, single spacing, and 2.54 cm margin on all sides. The title should be written in 14 points; author(s) name should be in bold 11 fonts and affiliation in 12 points italics. The information about the acceptance will be sent to the authors at their emails and after acceptance, the registration form and registration fee should be transferred electronically.
In the case of multiple authors, there must be an intimation regarding the paper presenter and others.
Please note that the “Certificate of Presentation” shall be awarded to the paper presenter only, participant(s) shall be awarded "Certificate of Participation".
All Author will have to register separately. A single author presenting multiple papers should register for each paper separately.

*Registration Fee
International Conference- Online
Category | Listeners | Participant (** with full length Paper) |
Indian Academicians | ₹1000 INR | ₹4000 INR |
FAI Life Members | ₹600 INR | ₹4000 INR |
Foriegn Academicians | $20 USD | $100 USD |
Indian Corporate Delegates | ₹2500 INR | ₹4000 INR |
*Registration fee will be submitted through online link as mentioned in the registration form.
** with full length article to present & processing for publication.
The paid registration fees are not refunded.
Delegates must bear the Service Charge/transaction charge (if any) of the bank in the Sender's Side
The above Registration fees are for strictly one participant only. If more than one author from the same paper wants to attend they have to make separate registrations.