2nd India-Greater Mekong Sub Region International Conference 2019
(2nd IGMSIC 2019)
Spiritual Intelligence and Human welfare
27th November 2019
Proud to bring inspirational speakers from across the globe

Conference Sub Theme
Kindly note that, if you feel your contribution does not fit into any of the above categories, you are welcome to make your submission in the last listed category.
Accounting Analytics
Agribusiness, branding,
distribution, retailing, consumer
Business & Management
Business Analytics
Business Forecasting
Business Intelligence
Business Information System,
Capital Market
Community tourism
Consumer Studies
Corporate Governance
Corporate Reporting practices
Corporate Social Responsibility
Community Tourism & regional
Cross Cultural Challenges
Data Analytics and Data
Digital economy
Disability & Rehabilitation
Emerging issues of Tourism
Entrepreneurship research and
Entrepreneurship education
Entrepreneurial motivation and
Entrepreneurial training
English Literature
Emerging issues of Social Sciences
Export and imports of agribusiness
Financial Markets
Global Supply Chain Strategies
HR Management
International Business & Commerce
International Retailing
Investment Management
Justice & Legal Studies
library Science
Logistics & supply chain
Local/region welfare measurement
and management
Media studies
Medical Tourism
Operations Management
Political Science
Predictive Analytics
Proper performance indicators
Pricing Analytics
Public Administration
Public funding & regional
Retail Management
Retail Sales Analytics
Rural development and
Social Networking
Social Welfare & Woman's Studies
Strategic Management
Tourism Management
Multidisciplinary areas in Applied
sciences, Computing sciences &
System sciences
Call for Papers
Papers original in idea and not published elsewhere are invited on the mentioned themes and related areas. The abstract should be limited to 300 words along with the name of author(s), affiliation, e-mail, mobile number, and corresponding address should be emailed on the mentioned email address. Maximum five keywords should be given along with the abstract. The abstract should be typed in Times New Roman Fonts, 12 points regular, single spacing and 2.54 cm margin in all sides. The title should be written in 14 points; author(s) name should be in bold 11 fonts and affiliation in 12 points italics. The information about the acceptance will be sent to the authors at their emails and after acceptance, registration form and registration fee should be transferred electronically.
In the case of multiple authors, there must be an intimation regarding the paper presenter and others.
Please note that the “Certificate of Presentation” shall be awarded to the paper presenter only, participant(s) shall be awarded "Certificate of Contribution".
All Author will have to register separately. Single Author presenting multiple papers should register for each paper separately.
No TA/DA will be paid to any delegate participating in the conference.
The full-length research articles must be submitted on or before at the email address, 5th November 2019 at faterindia@gmail.com
Authors are advised to submit their abstracts at Conference email: igmsicgoa2019@gmail.com, faipublications@gmail.com
The format for the full paper publication in the International Journal of Decision Sciences, please download the templates available at www.faipublications.com
Submission of Abstract: 31st October 2019
Acceptance of Abstract: 2nd November 2019
Submission of full-length Paper: 5th November 2019
Registration Deadline: 31st October 2019
Paper Publication
All the accepted research articles will be processed for publication in Springer Proceedings/ Scopus listed journals subject to the terms and conditions of the publication partners.
Selected papers concerned with Decision Sciences related topics, will be published in the "International Journal of Decision Sciences" (FAI PUBLICATION, CHIEF EDITOR : PROF. C.C. TAN).
IGMSIC 2019 Conference proceedings(online) with ISBN will be published by FATER Academy of India,
Authors are advised to book their soft /hard copies of the proceedings in advance at email: faterindia@gmail.com

Chief Patrons
Dr. Savio P. Falleiro, Principal, Fr. Agnel College of Arts and Commerce, Goa, India
Prof. B.S. Bisht, President FAI, Director-Birla Institute of Applied Sciences-Bhimtal,Uttarakhand
Dr. Rajavikrom Aditya Charoen, President, Rajpark Institute, Bangkok, Thailand
Assit. Prof. Phipat Nonthanathorn, President, The Association of Researchers of Thailand
H. E. Muon Veasna, Vice President- University of Management and Economics, Cambodia
Maj. Gen. M. P. Singh, Vice President, FAI
Associate Prof. Dr. Roongrasamee Boondao, Dean Ubon Ratchathani Business School: Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand.
Rev. Dr. Fredrick Rodrigues SFX, Vice Principal, Fr. Agnel College, Goa, India

International Coordination Committee
Prof. Pankaj Srivastava, General Secretary, FATER Academy of India (M:+919696030005)
Dr. Yannakorn Toprayoon, Director, School of Business Management, Rajpark Institute, Thailand
Dr. C. C. Tan, School of Business Management, Mae Fah LuangUniversity, Thailand
Dr. Themis Panagiotopoulou, Head, Tourism Promotion and Planning Department of the Greek National Tourism Organization, Athens, Greece.
Dr. Nara Kittimetheekul, Ex. Head, Faculty of Business Administration, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Prof. Albert Faessler, University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Prof. Tetiana Zhyber, Kyiv National Economics University, Ukraine
Prof. Olena Bondar, Dept. of Information Systems, T. S. National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
Prof. Ali A. Al-Zarrah, Dean, Sur University College, Oman
Prof. Dr. Shulan Zhao, Deputy Director, International Collaborations Office, Yunnan Academy Social Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China
Dr. Minina E. A., University of Economics and Management, Simferopol, Ukraine
Dr. Rachaya Indanon, Faculty of Management, Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand
Dr. Borysova Tetiana, Dept. of Marketing, Ternopil National Economic University, Ukraine
Asso. Prof. Sengchanh Chantasane, Ex. Vice Dean, FEBM, National University of Laos, Laos
International Advisory Committee
Prof. P. K. Srivastava, Ex. President, FATER Academy of India
Prof. L. M. Thivagar, School of Mathemacs, M. K. University, Madurai, India
Dr. Raghu Raman, Ex. Faculty - School of Business Management, ICT, Oman
Dr. Preeti Srivastava, Dy. Director, U. P. Tourism Department, Govt. of U. P., India
Lt. Gen. A. T. Parnaik, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Prof. Kenichiro Higuchi, Department of Social Studies, Sugiyamav Jogakuen University, Nagoya, Japan.
Dr. B. P. Sharath Chandran, Department of Economics, Damodar College Goa, India
Brig. Praveen Kumar, Pune, Maharastra, India
Dr. Jaya Parthasarthy, Vice Principal, St. Judes College, Kanyakumari, India
Dr. Aradhana, Principal, Carmel College, Goa, India
Dr. Chithra, Department of Economics, K. M. College, Tanjur, T. N., India.
Dr. Shalini Singh, Secretary, FAI U.P. West Chapter, Barelly College, Barely, U.P, India
Dr. Korneak Karanjanapokin, Department of Business Administraon, Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand
Prof. Tetiana Momot, O. M. B. National University of Urban Economy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Dr. Anna Staszewska, Katowice School of Economics, Katowice, Poland
Dr. Luminita Ioana Cotirla, Technical University Clij, Napoca, Romania
Prof. Anna Shalimova, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine
Dr. Georgia Oros, Faculty of Science, University of Oradea, Romania
Prof. Nadiia Shmygol, Department of Accounting and Taxation, Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine.
Dr. Liliana Guran, Department of Mathematics, Western University of Arad, Romania.
Prof. Akhtem A. Dzhelilov, Dean, Crimean Institute of Business, Simferopol, CRIMEA
Prof. Vartanova Оlena, Department of Economics Cybernetics & Marketing Cherkasy State Technological University, Cherkasy, Ukraine
Prof. Olena Cherniavska, Head, The Institute of Social & Economics Initiatives, Ukraine
Organizing Secretaries

Assoc. Prof.
Mini Gangadharan +919850833868

Assoc. Prof.
Roy Alvaro Gomes +919822138127
Local Organizing Committee
Dr. Reji George
Assoc. Prof. Soraya Rebelo
Dr. Anthony D' Souza
Asst. Prof. Angela Dias Rodrigues
Asst. Prof. Sonia Xavier
Asst. Prof. Carina Vaz
Asst. Prof. Cheryl Pinto
Asst. Prof. Andrew Antao
Asst. Prof. Charmaine Lobo
Asst. Prof. Delicia Pereira

Registraon Fee (Without Accomadaon)

* Payment in cash at the conference venue - Registration Desk.
RTGS/NEFT/DD/Mulcity check is to be made in favor of Account name: FR. AGNEL COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE
Account number: 111410026041 IFSC code: BKDN0471114
Bank Name: DENA Bank Branch: Pilar
1) The registration fee cannot be refunded when the VISA application of individual being denied or the registered author is unable to attend.
2) All authors will have to register separately. Single author presenting multiple paper should register for each paper separately.

Registration Form
Payment Details
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