23rd FAI International Conference - 2021
Jointly organized by
FATER Academy of India,
Arul Anandar College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Unifacvest, Centro Universitário Facvest, Brazil
Emerging Trends & Adaptation of Spirituality in Management, Artificial Intelligence, Education, Health, Tourism, Science & Technology
23rd FAI-ICS 2021
19, 20 & 21 February 2021
3:30 PM to 7:30 PM
(As per Indian Standard Time)

Chief Patrons
Organizing Secretaries
International Coordination Committee
Prof. Pankaj Srivastava | General Secretary, FATER Academy of India (M:+91-9696030005) |
Prof. Roongrasamee Boondao | Dean Ubon Ratchathani Business School: Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand |
Prof. C. C. Tan | School of Business Management, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand |
Prof. Maria Emilia Camargo | Dept of Business Admin & Prod Engg, Univer. of Caxias do Sul. Brazil |
Prof. Tetiana Kaminska | Doctor of Science in Economics, Co-founder & CEO, Academy of Labour, Social Relations and Tourism, Department of Finance, Ukraine |
Prof. Nina Poyda-Nosyk | Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine |
Prof. Dr. Akhtem A. Dzhelilov | University of Economics and Management, Financial and Economical College, Crimea, Simferopol |
Prof. Nadiia Shmygol | Department of Accounting and Taxation, Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine |
Prof. Dr Vitalina Babenko | Dr.Sci. (habil.) in Economics, PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor (Full), V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine |
Prof. Arceloni Neusa Volpato | UNIFACVEST University Center, Brazil |
Prof. Zachosova Nataliia | DSc in Economics, Professor, Department of Management and Economic Security, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine |
Prof. Shulan Zhao | Deputy Director, Yunnan Academy Social Sciences, Kunming, China |
Dr. Sairoong Dinkoksung | Faculty of Management Science, Ubon Ratchathani Business School, Ubon Ratchathani University, THAILAND |
Dr. Chernenko Nataliia | Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Physical, Rehabilitation, B.K.National University of Cherkasy, Ukraine |
Dr. Tetiana Zhyber | Asso. Prof., Kyiv National Eco. Univ., named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine |
Dr. Nadiia Stoliarchuk | National Scientific Centre , Institute of Agrarian Economics, Ukraine |
Dr. Podra Olha | Associate Professor of Foreign Trade and Customs Department, Lviv, Polytechnic National University, Ukraine |
Dr. Patsula Olga | Dy.Dean, Asso.Prof., Dept. Acct. & Fin., Lviv State Univ. of Internal Affairs, Ukraine |
Dr. Maria Elisabeth Teixeira Pereira e Rocha | AVEIRO UNIVERSITY, Portugal |
Dr. Gina B. Alcoriza | PhD, Program Chairperson, Tourism Management, University of Santo Tomas-Legazpi, Philippines |
Dr. Minina E. A. | University of Economics and Management, Simferopol, Crimea |
Dr.Pichyada Pheunpha | Ubon Ratchatani Business School, Ubon Ratchathani University,Thailand |
Dr. Themis Panagiotopoulou | Head, Tour. Promotion & Planning, National Tourism Org, Greece |
Dr. Mohd Raziff Jamaluddin | Head of Retail Excellence and Consultancy, Institute of Business Excellence, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA |
Dr. Nara Kittimetheekul | Ex. Head, Faculty of Business Administration, K.K.University, Thailand |
International Advisory Committee
Prof. P. K. Srivastava | Ex. President, FATER Academy of India |
Prof. M. Lellis Thivagar | Vice-President (FAI), School of Mathematics, M. K. University, Madurai, India |
Prof. Ali A. Al-Zarrah | Dean, Sur University College, Oman |
Prof. Raghu Raman | FAI Executive Council Member, Management Consultant, Chennai, India |
Prof. Natalia Zachosova | Management Security Department, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Ukraine |
Prof. Iryna Revak | Dean, Faculty of Management & Economic Security, Lviv State Univ. of Internal Affairs, Ukraine |
Prof. Tetiana Momot | O. M. B. National University of Urban Economy, Kharkiv, Ukraine |
Prof. Vartanova Elene | Department of Economics, Cherkasy State Technological Univ., Ukraine |
Prof. Vichian Laohakosol | Department of Mathematics, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand |
Lt. Gen. A. T. Parnaik (Retd.) | Pune, Maharashtra, India |
Maj. Gen. (Dr.) M.P. Singh (Retd.) | Vice President-FAI. |
Brig. Praveen Kumar | Pune, Maharastra, India |
H.E.Moun Vesana | Vice Rector, University of Economics and Management, Kampong Champ Campus, Cambodia |
Dr. Preeti Srivastava | Dy. Director, U. P. Tourism Department, Govt. of U. P., India |
Dr. M. Davamani Christober | Principal & Secretary, The American College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu |
Dr. Liliana Guran | Department of Pharmaceutical Sc., Western University of Arad, Romania |
Dr. Georgia Oros | Dept of Computer Science & Mathematics, University of Oradea, Romania |
Dr. Monica Felicia Bota | Department of Mathematics, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj
Napoca, Romania |
Dr. Korneak Karanjanapokin | Dept of Business Administ., Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand |
Dr. Angela Isabel Dos Santos Dullis | Department of Statistics, Federal University of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil |
Dr. Ali Akgul | Asso. Prof., Siirt Univ., Art and Sc. Faculty, Dept of Math., 56100 Siirt, Turkey |
Dr. Nakonechna Natalia | Asso. Prof., Fina. and Acco. Lviv State Univ. of Internal Affairs. Ukraine |
Dr. G. Jayaparthasarthy | Vice Principal (Rtd.), St. Judes College, Kanyakumari, India |
Dr. Soeli Staub Zembruski | UNIFACVEST Brazil |
Dr. Roberta Sommariva | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
Dr. Jose Roberto Paludo | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
Dr. Gustavo Capobianco Volaco | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
Dr. Yannakorn Toprayoon | The Association of Researchers of Thailand |
Dr. Sengchanh Chantasane | Asso. Prof. Ex. Vice Dean, FEBM, National University of Laos, Laos |
Dr. Rachaya Indanon | Faculty of Management, Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand |
Dr. Phrapalad Somchai Payogo | Buddhapanya Sri Thawarawadee Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand |
Dr. Liliia Kukharska | Department of Foreign Languages and Military Translation of Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine |
Dr. A. Amutha | Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Mathematics, The American College, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India |
MSc Rejane Dutra Bergamaschi | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
Mr. Uon Sokchea | Director at University of Management and Economics Kampong Cham, Cambodia |
Mr. Chhunleng Seang | Lecturer, University of Management and Economic, Kampong Cham, Cambodia |
International Organizing Committee
Prof. V Srinivas | Secretary, FAI Telangana Chapter, Kakatiya University, Telangana, India |
Prof. Pradip Kumar Bora | Secretary, FAI Meghalaya Chap, Central Agricultural Univ., Imphal, India |
Dr. Sunil Dutt Purohit | Secretary, FAI Rajasthan Chapter, Dept. of HEAS (Mathematics), Rajasthan Technical University, Kota-324010, India |
Prof. Marta Kopytko | Management Department, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine |
Dr. Volodymyr Hobela | Sr. Lect., Dept. of Mgmt, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine |
Dr. S. Pious Missier | Secretary, FAI Tamilnadu- South Chapter, Tuticorin, India |
Dr. Vijay K. Vyas | Department of Mathematics, Sur University College, Oman |
Dr. Vandana Agarwal | Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur |
Dr. V. Ramesh | Secretary, FAI Tamilnadu- Central Chapter, Madurai Kamaraj University, India |
Dr. Sridharan K V | Secretary, FAI Tamilnadu- East Chapter, Chennai, India |
Dr. Shalini Singh | Secretary, FAI U.P.- West Chapter, Bareilly College, Bareilly, U.P, India |
Dr. Sarika Dubey | Secretary, FAI U.P.- East Chapter, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Political Science, Prayag Mahila Vidyapith, Prayagraj, UP |
Dr. S. Amutha | RCHM, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India |
Dr. R. Jeyabalan | Dept. of Mathematics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, India |
Dr. Brajesh Kumar Jha | Secretary, FAI Gujarat Chapter, Asst. Prof. (Maths), School of Technology, P.D.P.U., Raisen Village, Gandhinagar, Gujarat |
Dr. Olha Podra | Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Forgn Trade & Cust., Lviv Polytechnic National Univ., Ukraine |
Dr. Olga Marchenko | Assoc. Prof., Dept of Mgmt Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine |
Dr. Halyna Leskiv | Assoc. Prof., & Head, Dept. of Mgmt, Lviv State Univ. of Internal Affairs, Ukraine |
Dr. D. Lourdhu Immaculate | Asst Prof., PG & Research Department of Mathematics, The American College, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India |
Dr. Biju Kumar Dutta | Secretary, FAI Assam Chapter, Assistant Professor, School of Basic Science, Kaziranga University, Assam. |
Dr. Utpal Kumar Saha | Asst. Prof., Basic & Applied Science, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, India |
Dr. Meenakshi Srivastava | Asst. Prof., Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University, Lucknow, India |
Dr. B. Johnson | Asst. Prof., PG & Research Department of Mathematics, The American College, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India |
Dr. Fatima Regina da Silva | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
Dr. Benta Cassetari | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
Dr. Alexandre Antunes Ribeiro Filho | UNIFACVEST, Brasil |
MSc Roberto Lopes da Fonseca | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
Ana Angélisa Cassara Palidova Wilske | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
MSc Renato Rodrigues | UNIFACVEST, Brazil |
Anastasiia Volnykh | Master of Psychology, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine |
IT Advisory Committee
Proud to bring inspirational speakers from across the globe
Conference Sub-themes
Understanding Spirituality
Techniques to Improve Spirituality
Science and Spirituality
Improving Relationship with Spirituality
Living a Stress-Free and Healthy Life with Spirituality
Being an Effective Leader with Spirituality
Achieving Success at the Workplace and Business with Spirituality
Spirituality and Health
Evolution of Spiritual Consciousness with Enlightened Science
Logical & Mathematical Approach to Reality
Spirituality in Life Management
Impact of Spiritualism on Employees
Spiritualism and Organizations
Knowledge with Spiritual Experience
Science of Harmony and Spiritual Experience of Oneness
Metaphysics of Oneness on the Canvas of Experiential Plurality
Sustainable Developmental Goals for Harmonious Living
Curative Science for the Coexistence with Nature
Yogic Spirituality and Universal Harmony
Historical Approach to Science and Spirituality
Impact of Knowledge and Spirituality on Human relations
Spirituality and Business Management
Spiritual Tourism
Impact of Spiritualism on Leaderships
Spiritualism and Learning Process
Accounting Analytics
Business Analytics
Data Analytics and Data Technologies
Predictive Analytics
Pricing Analytics
Retail Sales Analytics
Agribusiness, Branding, Distribution, Retailing, Consumer Behaviour
Business & Management
Business Forecasting
Business Intelligence
Business Information System
Export and Imports of Agribusiness Produce
International Business & Commerce
Rural Development and Agribusiness
Consumer Studies
Corporate Governance
Corporate Reporting Practices
Corporate Social Responsibility
Digital Economy
Entrepreneurship Research and Development
Entrepreneurship Education
Entrepreneurial Motivation and Behaviour
Entrepreneurial Training
Community Tourism & Regional Development
Emerging Issues of Tourism
Medical Tourism
Tourism Management
International Retailing
Retail Management
HR Management
Investment Management
Local/Region Welfare Measurement and Management
Operations Management
Strategic Management
Political Science
Public Administration
English Literature
Library Science
Capital Market
Financial Markets
Media Studies
Cross-Cultural Challenges
Disability & Rehabilitation
Emerging Issues of Social Sciences
Global Supply Chain Strategies
Justice & Legal Studies
Logistics & Supply Chain
Multidisciplinary Areas in Applied Sciences, Computing Sciences & System Sciences
Proper Performance Indicators
Public Funding & Regional Development
Social Networking
Social Welfare & Women’s Studies
Call for Papers
Papers original in idea and not published elsewhere are invited on the mentioned themes and related areas. The abstract limited to 1000 words along with the name of author(s), affiliation, e-mail, mobile number, and corresponding address should be emailed on the mentioned email address. Maximum five keywords should be given along with the abstract. The abstract should be typed in Times New Roman Fonts, 12 points regular, single spacing, and 2.54 cm margin on all sides. The title should be written in 14 points; author(s) name should be in bold 11 fonts and affiliation in 12 points italics. The information about the acceptance will be sent to the authors at their emails and after acceptance, the registration form and registration fee should be transferred electronically.
In the case of multiple authors, there must be an intimation regarding the paper presenter and others.
Please note that the “Certificate of Presentation” shall be awarded to the paper presenter only, participant(s) shall be awarded "Certificate of Participation".
All Author will have to register separately. A single author presenting multiple papers should register for each paper separately.
The full-length research articles and Abstract must be submitted on EasyChair https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=23rdfaiics2021
The format for the full paper as on Springer Template or download the templates using the link:
Springer Guidelines for Authors
Conference proceedings guidelines, word and latex template
Download LATEX Template Download Word Template
Submission of Abstract: 16 February 2021
Acceptance of Abstract: 17 February 2021
Submission of full-length Paper: 28 February 2021
Registration Deadline: 18 February 2021
Paper Publication
Authors are asked to submit original Full papers of a minimum of 8 to 10 pages in the Springer Conference proceeding template. All submitted papers will be subjected to a Blind Peer Review and "Similarity (plagiarism) Test" by plagiarism checker. Paper clearing the similarity test will undergo a full paper review. Papers achieving a high similarity score will be examined and those that are deemed unacceptable will be rejected without a formal review.
All the accepted research articles will be processed for publication in Springer Proceedings/ Scopus listed journals subject to the terms and conditions of the publication partners.
Authors are advised to book their soft /hard copies of the proceedings in advance at email:
*Registration Fee
International Conference- Online
Category | Listeners | Participant (** with full length Paper) |
Indian Academicians | ₹500 INR | ₹4000 INR |
FAI Life Members | ₹500 INR | ₹4000 INR |
Foriegn Academicians | $20 USD | $100 USD |
Indian Corporate Delegates | ₹2500 INR | ₹4000 INR |
*Registration fee will be submitted through online link as mentioned in the registration form.
** with full length article to present & processing for publication.
The paid registration fees are not refunded.
Delegates must bear the Service Charge/transaction charge (if any) of the bank in the Sender's Side
The above Registration fees are for strictly one participant only. If more than one author from the same paper wants to attend they have to make separate registrations.